Saturday, July 15, 2006

Four animals test positive for rabies in Reno County

Four animals - three skunks and one cat - have tested positive for rabies in Reno County since May, the Reno County Health Department announced.

That prompted the department to issue a news release with tips for reducing the potential for exposure to rabies:

* Vaccinate pets and animals. A vaccine is available for dogs, cats, ferrets, horses, cattle and sheep.

* Don't handle or feed wild animals.

* Teach children to avoid touching unfamiliar animals, even if the animals appear friendly.

* Seek medical attention immediately if bitten or scratched by an animal.

* Report any animal bite or scratch to the Health Department, (620) 694-2900, or to animal control. Hutchinson's animal control can be reached at (620) 694-2636.

To discourage skunks, the release advised against leaving pets or pet food or water outside at night, and urged people to harvest garden vegetables when they are ripe.

Subsoil insects can attract skunks, the release advised.

People who encounter a skunk, especially during the day, should not approach the animal, but call animal control or the Health Department for assistance.

The city of Hutchinson has traps available for city residents that can trap skunks, opossum, raccoons and feral cats. People can fill out an application for a trap at the animal shelter, 1501 South Severance. A $60 refundable deposit is required, and animal control officers will pick up animals caught in the traps.

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References:Hutch News

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