Moments later, the baby whale instinctively swam to the surface of the water for its first breath of air. The baby began nursing within hours.
The mother, Katina, is the matriarch of the SeaWorld Orlando Shamu family and also birthed the first Baby Shamu more than 20 years ago. She is 18 feet long and weighs 5,400 pounds.
SeaWorld animal care specialists remain cautiously optimistic about the progress of the baby and its mother.
SeaWorld visitors can catch a glimpse of the park's new pride and joy during special family presentations at Shamu Stadium.
SeaWorld's killer whale breeding program is the most successful in the world. This calf is the 14th killer whale born at SeaWorld Orlando and the 22nd to be born and successfully raised throughout all of the SeaWorld parks. The sex of the calf is yet to be determined.
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