GREELEY, Colo. (AP) - Wildlife officials were puzzled by the rare appearance a caribou that was struck and killed by a car in Colorado this week, hundreds of miles from its normal range.
The buck, weighing an estimated 350 pounds and sporting a large rack of antlers, was spotted Tuesday grazing beside U.S. 85 about 10 miles south of Greeley and 40 miles north of Denver.
Startled by the horn of a passing train, the animal dashed into the path of a car and was struck and killed, said Gene Fisher, a state Department of Transportation employee who witnessed the incident.
Caribou normally live in the arctic regions of northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland.
"We don't know where a caribou would come from," state Division of Wildlife manager Chad Morgan told the Greeley Tribune in Wednesday's editions. "We don't know of any farms that have them in this area. I've been here four years, and I've never seen one."
The Colorado Department of Agriculture, Division of Wildlife and State Veterinarian's office said they had no records of caribou in Colorado.
The caribou was taken to a transportation department facility near Greeley.
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