Daredevil was brought to the Cat Adoption Team by Paul Hart who says he found the cat in an empty apartment when he arrived to do some construction work. Hart says when he tried to approach the cat, it panicked and ran out to the balcony where it lost its balance and fell four stories. Hart scooped Daredevil into a cardboard box and took him to the shelter in Sherwood where there is a veterinarian on site.
It first appeared that Daredevil was suffering minor injuries such as broken teeth and trapped air in his chest from the impact of the fall. A veterinarian from CAT says that Daredevil was extremely malnourished and was suffering from severe dehydration.
CAT and its veterinary staff provided critical care to stabilize him and as of Thursday night his condition had improved but by Friday morning Daredevil's condition worsened and he passed away peacefully.
"I am so glad that during his final hours he was in our hospital. He was so malnourished and in such poor condition when he came in, that the last 24 hours of his life were probably the ones were he was the most loved and supported," says Britta Bavaresco of CAT.
Bavaresco says that any money donated towards his care will now be used in his honor to help other cats in distress If you want to make a donation in honor of Daredevil and support the care of the community's abandoned and injured cats and kittens, please go to CAT's Web site, visit the shelter in Sherwood, or call (503) 925-8903.
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